Relative Valuation vs. Intrinsic Valuation
Intrinsic Valuation Focus : Determines the inherent value of a company based on its fundamentals (e.g., discounted cash flows)....
Intrinsic Valuation Focus : Determines the inherent value of a company based on its fundamentals (e.g., discounted cash flows)....
Relative valuation involves estimating the value of an asset by comparing it to the market prices of similar assets, typically using...
The Little Book of Valuation by Aswath Damodaran (2024) is a concise guide aimed at investors who want to sharpen their skills in valuing...
Several financial ratios can be useful in identifying undervalued or overvalued stocks, thus helping investors potentially generate...
While AI holds great potential in generating alpha, there are several significant challenges that make it difficult for AI-driven models...
A successful investor can generate alpha, which is the ability to achieve returns that exceed the market benchmark or an appropriate...
AI - Artificial Intelligence - can help in generating alpha by improving investment strategies, enhancing decision-making, and...
What is Alpha Investing? Alpha investing refers to a strategy or approach in which investors seek to achieve returns that exceed a...
Relative valuation is a method used to estimate the value of an asset by comparing it to similar assets in the market. Here's a breakdown...
Pairs Trading is a market-neutral strategy aiming to capitalize on price relationships between two similar assets. By identifying pairs...
Alpha: Alpha is the excess return of an investment portfolio beyond what is expected based on its exposure to market risk (beta).It...